ZUM Internet pursues the transparency and
reasonability in corporate management.

Statement of Financial Position

Assets, Liabilities, Capital Table
  Subject 2014 2015 2016
Liabilities & Total Assets 6,892 6,821 7,712
Assets 1. Current Assets 3,580 4,031 5,314
2. Non-current Assets 3,312 2,790 2,398
Total Assets 6,892 6,821 7,712
Liabilities 1. Current Liabilities 4,564 9,470 1,638
2. Non-current Liabilities 6,017 638 493
Total Liabilities 10,581 10,108 2,131
Capital 1. Common Stock 4,500 4,500 5,287
2. Capital Surplus and other components of Equity 4,427 4,475 10,897
3. Retained Earnings -12,616 -12,262 -10,603
Total Capital -3,689 -3,287 5,581
Unit: million won

Comprehensive Income Statement

Comprehensive Income Statement Table
Subject 2014 2015 2016
1. Sales 15,223 16,141 19,291
2. Cost of Sales 15,094 14,709 14,742
3. Gross Profit on Sales 129 1,432 4,550
4. Selling and Administrative Expenses 1,201 1,276 3,047
5. Operating Profit -1,072 156 1,502
6. Non-operating income 1 2 6
7. Non-operating expenses 0 4 10
8. Financial income 35 30 29
9. Financial Expenses 734 100 2
10. Net Income Before Income Tax -1,770 84 1,525
11. Income tax expense 0 0 0
12. Net income -1,770 84 1,525
13. Other comprehensive income -77 270 134
14. Total Comprehensive Income -1,847 354 1,659
Unit: million won